Friday, January 14, 2011


It's Friday! Woo hoo!
Here's a heads up on what we've got going on this weekend:

Chris is going to go see The Green Hornet. I don't know how to feel about this one and I probably won't know how to feel about it until I see it for myself. It looks pretty funny and yet action packed. But will it be a sophomoric comedy, a heroic action movie, or some strange combination of the two?! Chris will let you know!
BTdubs-- The Green Hornet was the first comic book I ever read... just a little Tim trivia for you there.

And I will be seeing The Dilemma. Oh joy. I've always liked Kevin James, but I'm kind of skeptical about seeing anything starring Vince Vaughn.

Fred Claus.
'Nuff said.

Anyway, I'll let you know if The Dilemma is a rom-com worth your $10.50, or if it's a tremendous WOMBAT (Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time)!

Have a great Friday, everyone!

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