Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Silent Hill: Revelation" review by Chris

The first "Silent Hill" could be broken down into two parts: the first was an hour ripped straight from the video games with barely a handful of functional changes to make it work better on film. The second hour was when the film slowly deteriorated from complete fan service to a mass of confusing plots and bloody gore. "Revelations" aims to right the wrongs of the first film by diving head long into the game’s mythos while using modern horror techniques.

The result repairs the damage done to the story, but the byproduct is that it can only be understood by fans that know the games. The scary stuff also works against the plot. While the story thrives on the unknown and tries to keep you guessing, the scares focus on an abundance of shocking pop-in gimmicks and blood. This, mixed with the rushed feel of the film, decreases the value of both, leaving another muddled mess.

The score also suffers from a similar unbalance and the acting is average. Only the special effects shine as disturbingly beautiful, but it's far from enough to make this anything more than a mindless horror flick. Fans of the video games will adore the plot, but everything else will disappoint even the most diehard. If you're in the mood for an average mindless horror film, look no further, but I'd recommended renting a classic.

2 "severed arms" out of 5

Written by Chris
Edited by Aaron