Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Paul" Review by Chris

Let’s get this out of the way early. "Paul" has its flaws as a movie. There are countless unnecessary vulgarities that get old quick, many of the cameos feel tacked on and the story is predictable. But none of these problems bring this entertaining journey to a grinding halt, and it's a trip that should be taken, but maybe not by all crowds.

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost join together once again to play a sci-fi artist and a writer who are doing a tour of American alien landmarks. Along the way they meet Paul, an alien on the run who's voiced by Seth Rogen. From that point on it's a classic road trip movie. The cast is rounded out with several well-known faces like Jason Bateman. Each character starts out stereotypical, but they become relatable by the end of the movie.

This is Seth Rogen's best film. He utilizes his typical weed smoking, rude humored persona, but adds heart and depth to Paul that wasn’t in his previous roles. Throughout the film, Paul helps the other characters grow, and there are many surprises along the way. Director Greg Mottola also finds different ways to use Simon Pegg and Nick Frost than Edgar Wright, who directed the pair in "Hot Fuzz."

The quality of the film work isn't anything to brag about, but it does its job. What really impresses from a visual standpoint is our CG hero, Paul himself. He's highly detailed: Right down to the veins under his skin and the moister in his eyes. Every time he goes invisible or revives the dead, it's gorgeous. Rogen’s voice work becomes an integral part of Paul through seamless animation.

As I mentioned previously, this film might not be enjoyable for all. Half of the humor is crude, and more often than not, involves drugs, sex, alcohol and vulgarities. There are lots of references to drugs, sex and alcohol. With some violence mixed in with the vulgarities, this movie definitely earns it's R rating. And finally, two important warnings, first, some of the humor is meant to be understood only by my fellow nerds, and second, this movie brutally attacks people who deny evolution, so if you think we descended from heaven and not from the Great Apes, give this movie a skip. "Paul" is going to offend some, but for most it will have you laughing your way to another galaxy.

I give it Four "Mother ships" out of Five

Written by Chris
Edited by Aaron

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