Thursday, March 10, 2011

"The Adjustment Bureau" Review by Tim

Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in choice? Do you believe in free will? Guess what? I don’t care! Want to know what I thought of “The Adjustment Bureau?” Now we’re talkin’!
 This movie follows Matt Damon as David, a youthful politician with a real shot at making it to the White House. Through a series of chance encounters, he finds his soul mate: the beautiful dancer, Elise (Emily Blunt). The two are so drawn to each other that it seems nothing can separate them. Challenge accepted! Enter: The Adjustment Bureau — a secret organization of fedora-wearing “Mad Men” wannabes (with the exception of John Slattery, who is in fact… a Mad Man) working behind the scenes to make sure we follow the path and destiny they set for us. The “Chairman,” is the one responsible for setting the plans, but he is also a thinly veiled analogy for a Judeo-Christian God. After David accidentally stumbles upon the Bureau and learns about its control of humankind, he discovers that he was never supposed to see Elise again after their initial meeting. Seeing her again would be a deviation from his plan, and he is forced to sever all communication with her. However, three years later, fate brings them together again through another random reunion. This time, David decides that nothing will keep them apart. By forcing The Adjustment Bureau’s hand, he learns that if he deviates from the plan and stays with Elise, not only would he lose his future of winning the presidency, it would also eliminate Elise’s destiny of becoming a world-famous dancer. Not willing to dash Elise’s dreams, he leaves her. Sometime later, he hears she’s getting married. Enlisting the help of a Henry, a sympathetic member of the Bureau, David plans to swoop in, stop the wedding, and live happily ever after with Elise — regardless of what the plan the bureau has in store for them.
The chemistry between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt is noteworthy. You have no problem believing these two are meant for each other. Anthony Mackie is instantly likable as a flawed (that is, “emotional”) caseworker. John Slattery and the always dependable Terrence Stamp are great as by-the-book Bureau men.
“The Adjustment Bureau” is a rare breed. It’s part chase-thriller, part love story, and part supernatural. But while it definitely has a science fiction slant, the love story is really the core of the film and it doesn’t rely on the sci-fi elements or special effects in order to keep your interest. It does, however, start off kind of slow and you’re often left wondering, “What is taking them so long?!”

I give it four fedoras out of five.

Written by Tim
Edited by Aaron

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